
Alec Leamas leamas.alec at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 20:10:08 CEST 2012

On 06/14/2012 07:25 PM, Julian Sikorski wrote:
> W dniu 14.06.2012 19:15, Julian Sikorski pisze:
>> W dniu 14.06.2012 18:41, Nicolas Chauvet pisze:
>>> 2012/6/14 Julian Sikorski<belegdol at gmail.com>:
>>>> W dniu 14.06.2012 09:39, Nicolas Chauvet pisze:
>>>>> 2012/6/14 Julian Sikorski<belegdol at gmail.com>:
>>>>>> W dniu 13.06.2012 00:11, Julian Sikorski pisze:
>>>>>>> W dniu 12.06.2012 23:55, Julian Sikorski pisze:
>>>>>>>> W dniu 27.05.2012 12:46, Nicolas Chauvet pisze:
>>>>>>>>> 2012/5/27 Julian Sikorski<belegdol at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear RPM Fusion developers,
>>>>>>>>>> ffmpeg-0.11 was released a few days ago. Do you think we should try to
>>>>>>>>>> push it to Fedora 17?
>>>>>>>>> I'm not against having it as an update, but:
>>>>>>>>> - Is the ABI the same ?
>>>>>>>>> - does dependants package build fin ?
>>>>>>>>> - Can we make the update to settle in rawhide first, and then to
>>>>>>>>> evaluate the update in F-17 (if relevant) ?
>>>>>>>>> I also wonder if it won't be more relevant to wait for a new 0.10.x
>>>>>>>>> release that might be done at a later point.
>>>>>>>>> Nicolas (kwizart)
>>>>>>>> After finally getting CVS access back I was able to finish the rebuild.
>>>>>>>> Results are as follows: out of 34 dependencies, 5 worked out of the box,
>>>>>>>> one required libquicktime to be built first, one needed BR fix and
>>>>>>>> mplayer worked when updated to 1.1. I think we should still go on and
>>>>>>>> let the maintainers fix their packages. Details:
>>>>>>>> acoustid-fingerprinter               failed
>>>>>>>> alsa-plugins-freeworld               failed: 'MREMAP_MAYMOVE' undeclared (first use
>>>>>>>> in this function)
>>>>>>>> audacious-plugins-freeworld  failed
>>>>>>>> bino                         worked
>>>>>>>> bombono-dvd                  failed: glib headers
>>>>>>>> chromaprint-tools            failed
>>>>>>>> cmus                         failed
>>>>>>>> dvbcut                               failed
>>>>>>>> dvdstyler                    needs wxsvg, still fails afterwards
>>>>>>>> ffmpeg2theora                        worked
>>>>>>>> ffmpegthumbnailer            failed
>>>>>>>> gpac                         failed
>>>>>>>> gstreamer-ffmpeg             failed
>>>>>>>> guvcview                     failed
>>>>>>>> k3b-extras-freeworld         requires vlc
>>>>>>>> kdemultimedia-extras-freeworld       requires vlc
>>>>>>>> kmediafactory                        requires mencoder, vlc, mlt and libquicktime
>>>>>>>> libquicktime                 worked
>>>>>>>> lightspark                   worked
>>>>>>>> minidlna                     failed
>>>>>>>> miro                         failed
>>>>>>>> mlt                          needs libquicktime, then OK
>>>>>>>> motion                               failed
>>>>>>>> mpd                          needs pulseaudio-lib-devel → pulseaudio-libs-devel BR fix, works
>>>>>>>> afterwards
>>>>>>>> mplayer                              updated to 1.1 works, did not check otherwise
>>>>>>>> picard-freeworld             requires vlc
>>>>>>>> qmmp-plugins-freeworld               failed
>>>>>>>> vbam                         failed
>>>>>>>> vlc                          failed: free: command not found
>>>>>>>> wxsvg                                worked
>>>>>>>> xbmc                         failed
>>>>>>>> xine-lib-extras-freeworld    failed
>>>>>>>> xmms2-freeworld                      failed
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>> To be clear: go on in rawhide and then see where we stand once
>>>>>>> everything is patched up.
>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>> Dear package maintainers: updated ffmpeg is available here:
>>>>>> http://lesloueizeh.com/belegdol/ffmpeg/
>>>>>> Please try to fix your package to build against it.
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Can you verify that this package match what's in our cvs ?
>>>>> I would prefer the package to be built within the infra.
>>>>> That's because it will be easier for a maintainer to enable the
>>>>> unpushed 'plague result' repository that is already referenced in the
>>>>> mock-rpmfusion_free configuration files, instead of adding various
>>>>> alternate repository.
>>>>> Also It will also to build a first level dependency (such as
>>>>> libquicktime) there and allow the local test of a second level
>>>>> dependency then.
>>>>> Now I will be away this week-end and busy next week, so I would prefer
>>>>> to schedule the update starting from the next week-end.
>>>>> Does that sounds good ?
>>>>> Nicolas (kwizart)
>>>> OK, I forgot that I can build the package within the infra and still
>>>> don't break the buildroots.
>>> You can't, but you can commit it in devel without building.
>>> That way every packager can rebuild locally test theird packages.
>>> (even using a --with suffix option to make a parallel installable
>>> ffmpeg-libs).
>>>> By scheduling the update for the next weekend, would you prefer me to
>>>> wait with with building ffmpeg until then? Or would you prefer me to
>>>> build it right away to give the maintainers more time to test?
>>> There is a certain number of package to build in order to bootstrap a
>>> ffmpeg update (likely x264) this probably needs maintainer
>>> coordination.
>>> (BTW, there is a RFE for x264 that needs to be adressed about 10bit option)
>>> Nicolas (kwizart)
>> I see. I can commit it without building then. When it comes to x264: I
>> have absolutely no experience on the matter, all I can say is that
>> ffmpeg-0.11.1 builds fine against what is in the repos now. I'll let
>> more knowledgeable people to pick the snapshot we would like to ship.
>> Regards,
>> Julian
> OK, ffmpeg-0.11.1 has been committed to devel. Package maintainers,
> please try to update your packages to build against it.
> Regards,
> Julian
I'm just a newbie, following a complicated thread without looking into 
details. But now it seems come down to me, beeing the bombono 
maintainer, to fix  my package so it builds against new ffmpeg 0.11.1.

Which is committed to 'devel'. How do I use  packages committed to devel?

Looking at updates-testing, for me the logical place, I see a that 
ffmpeg is committed today, but still 0.10.4. It's definitely something I 
don't understand here...which probably boils down to being my bad.

In short: what am I supposed to do in order to build my package against 
the new ffmpeg  0.11.1?



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