RPM Fusion for Fedora 25 is signed

Nicolas Chauvet kwizart at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 16:52:17 CEST 2016


With the release of Fedora 25 alpha today I'd like to mention that our
repository in now signed for fedora 25. Signed packages have been
pushed few hours ago (so mirrors are going to sync for few hours

As a side effect, packages built for the f25-free and f25-nonfree
target won't appear in the new buildroot automatically. This could be
implemented using koji (see
https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4226 ) instead of bodhi
. That makes me wonder if there is really a need to implement bodhi
for updates, or if the 3/ 4 days before to push can hold the workflow
as it is ?

Thx for all the work done !


Nicolas (kwizart)

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