Did some bugzilla cleanups

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 08:30:28 CEST 2008

Status update:

After a bit more coding to support the bugzilla version that's different
from livna's, I've been able to push the four owners.list files to it.

Products are:

  Fedora                (versions: 8, 9, development)
  Fedora EPEL           (versions: 5)

One hurdle I ran into is that this bugzilla does not offer a "Describe
Components" web page where it displays the people in Cc. That's a blocker
for remote-syncing of owners.list entries as done here. As one work-around
I will look at syncing the differences between the previous and the next
owners.list file. 

If anyone wants to start looking at updating the bugzilla database
locally, it will be needed some day.

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