zfs-fuse review request

Andrea Musuruane musuruan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 10:42:50 CET 2008

2008/10/27 Denis Leroy <denis at poolshark.org>:
> For the record, this is also submitted to Fedora. My original odds for
> fuse-zfs making it into Fedora were originally "poor", but I recently
> upgraded them to "good" after talking to Simon Phipps (Sun Open Source Chief
> Officer). However this may still take a while to get past the Red Hat Legal
> block...

RPM Fusion has a policy of not duplicating Fedora packages and, as you
said, a package review is already pending in Fedora.

Therefore you should ask for a review only if the package will be
rejected from RH Legal.

Please add a note to RPM Fusion BZ.




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