kernel modules in RPM Fusion; we need a decision (was: Re: nvidia kmods for EL-5)

Nikolay Ulyanitsky lystor at
Wed Sep 10 19:32:09 CEST 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-01 at 21:51 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> Kmods for EL-5 will be a bit more complicated -- we of course could just 
> use the F9 scheme with small modifications, but the EL-5 kernel provides 
> a stable ABI. 

I think one of the best solution is:
a) Use RHEL kmod schema for RPMFusion for EL:
   1) kmods rebuilded only if kabi changes.
   2) Packagers not needed to rebuild kmods for each kernel update.
   3) Users not needed to download/compile/update kmods after kernel

For example: kmods builded on CentOS 5.0 may be installed on RHEL 5.2
and vise versa if kabi was not changed.

b) Use Livna akmod/kmod schema for RPMFusion for F-*

Some examples of packages builded with RHEL kmod schema:*-kmod-*.src.rpm

Some information on RHEL kmod schema:
* Kernel Module Packages Manual

Nikolay Ulyanitsky <lystor at>

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