How to add RPMFusion repository to Fedora

Marcin Zajączkowski mszpak at
Sat Sep 20 00:34:19 CEST 2008


Maybe it's simple question, but I would like to add RPMFusion repository
to my Fedora 8 (for tests) and I 'm not sure how to do that.

I have seen bug 40 [1] (rpmfusion-release - RPM Fusion Repository
Configuration), but configuration there ( and seems to be for some future infrastructure (no
DNS entries for now).
But, I have seen in a build system logs that there are built some new
packages (for F8 and F9) and there is a Julian's post that he "just
added RPMFusion repo to his Fedora 9", so I suspect it's possible.

Would you be so kind to point proper configuration or at least link to
the repository?

[1] -


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