RPM Fusion Infrastructure changes

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Tue Feb 8 18:12:11 CET 2011

Matthias Saou wrote:
> Thanks to both for your offers! Of course, all useful resources like
> these are more than welcome, but we'll need to define some policies as
> for which services they can be used (e.g. never for gpg signing since
> physical access has huge implications),

With this kind of distrust and paranoia, do you still wonder why RPM 
Fusion's infrastructure is in the state it is now? The first thing to do is 
to give all the volunteers who want to work on infrastructure admin access 
to everything. Yes, this includes the GPG private keys, among many other 
things. One can't do admin work without admin permissions. People offered 
help with infrastructure on several occasions, they never got sufficient 
access rights to be useful.

        Kevin Kofler

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