
Nicolas Chauvet kwizart at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 23:10:38 CEST 2012

2012/6/18 Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler at chello.at>:
> Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
>> FYI I don't know what means removing vlc from the buildroot, there is no
>> such concept from the infra side.
> Add exclude=phonon-backend-vlc to the builders' rpmfusion-free*.repo files,
> or more likely to the corresponding sections of their mock .cfg files.

Feel free to report a bug on the infra, I cannot handle this myself.
But the mock cfg generated by plague doesn't look like usual mock cfg
files at first sight.
Also It would need to be handled in koji.

>> Why thoses package are requiring vlc at all anyway, it seems to me that
>> the bug is here.
> The packages are requiring the virtual phonon-backend (dragged in by phonon
> which is dragged in by phonon-devel), which is provided by both phonon-
> backend-gstreamer and phonon-backend-vlc. Normally, in Fedora, this is
> phonon-backend-gstreamer, but with RPM Fusion enabled, yum prefers phonon-
> backend-vlc because of its preference criteria (fewer dependencies, shorter
> name etc.). If you exclude phonon-backend-vlc from the builders' repo
> config, the builds should get phonon-backend-gstreamer dragged in instead,
> which is normally in working state.

I don't disagree with the "How" but I still doesn't understand the  "why ?"
At least would you agree with the concept that having the backend at
build time isn't usefull and if it "can" be removed (either it is vlc
or gstreamer or else) it can save a lot of build time dependencies ?

>> vlc is the primary victim here, because I cannot even rebuilt vlc if there
>> is a ABI change, the workaround to me is to requires the gstreamer phonon
>> backend to avoid such permanent bootstraping issue.
> That problem would also go away if you implement the above change.
But then it end up having gstreamer as a BR which is pretty bad for
bootstraping an underlying ABI break in dependencies, so it just move
the problem elsewhere without fixing it.

FYI, the vlc package should have been fixed, so I consider your
presentation of vlc breakage a little bit unfair, specially as the
needed patch was available month agos and I only needed a backport in
the appropriate schedule.

Nicolas (kwizart)

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