ana chance to get this solved?
Fedora 26:
Skipping packages with conflicts:
(add '--best --allowerasing' to command line to force their upgrade):
live555 i686 2017.04.26-1.fc26 rpmfusion-free 394 k
vlc-core i686 3.0.0-0.29.git20170622.fc26 rpmfusion-free 8.0 M
vlc-core i686 3.0.0-0.40.git20171122.fc26 rpmfusion-free-updates 8.0 M
Skipping packages with broken dependencies:
vlc i686 3.0.0-0.40.git20171122.fc26 rpmfusion-free-updates 2.0 M
Fedora 27:
Skipping packages with conflicts:
(add '--best --allowerasing' to command line to force their upgrade):
vlc-core i686 3.0.0-0.40.git20171122.fc27 rpmfusion-free-updates 8.1 M
Skipping packages with broken dependencies:
vlc i686 3.0.0-0.40.git20171122.fc27 rpmfusion-free-updates 2.0 M
Cheers, Frank