I’ve recently updated to f34 and now i’m unable to get sound playback with (AAC-LC)
encoded videofiles. I cannot use ffmpeg or HandBrake, both from rpmfusion, to convert it
either. HandBrake-gui throws the following error:
encavcodecaudio: avcodec_send_frame failed
When I ffprobe a file it throws the following message:
Assuming an incorrectly encoded 7.1 channel layout instead of a spec-compliant 7.1(wide)
layout, use -strict 1 to decode according to the specification instead.
VLC throws the following error:
libmp3lame @ 0x7f4b184f8900] Specified channel layout ‘7.0’ is not supported
All the gstreamer (good bad ugly libav free) are installed and it worked before the
upgrade. I also tried to revert to pulseaudo but it did not help. Totem (which uses
gstreamer instead of ffmpeg ?) works fine.
Can someone put me in the right path in how-to debug this issue ? Thanks a lot.