On 08/24/15 20:01, Paul Wilson wrote:
Thanks for the update, maybe for the same reason I had to switch to
gnome for my mythtv frontend, the 660 is still a bit pricey, any idea what the best bang
for your buck to upgrade vga card?
It is hard for me to say what is the "best bang" for your buck since I don't
know how big your wallet is. :-) Besides I live in Taiwan where many of these products
are made, and you live in Australia where I've heard people complaining about the high
price of electronics.
There are many different cards that are GTX 660 based and the prices vary greatly. Mine
was not so high end from ASUS. It has been over a year, but I think I paid about NTD
5,000 = US$ 150 = AUD 210 at the current exchange rates.