On 06.05.2016 19:04, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
2016-05-06 13:17 GMT+02:00 poma <pomidorabelisima(a)gmail.com>:
> From: poma <pomma(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: [PATCH] VLC: Qt4 UI support selectable if both Qt4 and Qt5 are
> installed
> ...
> +https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/11772#comment:8
I don't think vlc upstream understood why this patch is needed at all, can
you please try to reword from the trac ticket ?
I also fail to see how the build we produce is affected, so until the patch
is acccepted upstream I'm relunctant to apply this.
Thx for your work on this issue.
Beside "configure: error: "You cannot build VLC with Qt-5.5.0. You need to
backport I78ef29975181ee22429c9bd4b11d96d9e68b7a9c"" on Fedora 22, and broken
Qt5(Qt version 5.6.0) build on Fedora 24, this is also valuable option for fast-test-local
[rpm]build, i.e. not expensive build, outside a chroot[mock].