todo list for the coming three weeks
by Thorsten Leemhuis
I created a todo-list in the wiki for the remaining tasks that need to
be done over the coming weeks before the F8 release (which is out
target, I assume); find it at
Here is the content:
|| '''Task''' || '''Owner''' || '''Last StatusUpdate''' || Status ||
|| Hosting || MatthiasSaou, Pix || -- || Under discussion ||
|| Final builder adjustments || ThorstenLeemhuis || 20071017 || once
final repos are in place add them to the mock configs (builders are
apart from user accounts ready) ||
|| Final repo layout || ThorstenLeemhuis || 20071017 || Needs to be
discussed on list ||
|| Push scripts || VilleSkyttä ? || 20071017 || Needs to have final repo
layout before we can starts with this one ||
|| make CVS accessible || MatthiasSaou || -- || FAS Problems? ||
|| Branch stuff in CVS || ??? || 20071017 || Please prepare
BranchRequests ||
|| Import Packages and requests build || Package owners,
ThorstenLeemhuis || 20071017 || ThorstenLeemhuis volunteered to import
and request builds for all packages that come straight from the livna
devel branch into the rpmfusion devel branch (e.g. F8) ||
Comments? Did I miss anything?
17 years, 3 months
CVS server accessible
by Matthias Saou
The CVS server that Kevin set up is now interfaced with the FDS (Fedora
Directory Server) for user accounts. No FAS (Fedora Account System) for
the near future (*), but at least accounts are centralised in the LDAP,
not the SSH keys just yet, but that should be trivial to do.
The following users have access already :
It's accessible as follows :
cvs co rpms
I'm pretty sure it won't work because some groups still need to be
set... ah, the wonders of CVS! Kevin : Will you take care of that? Do
we need fine grained access using extended attributes for instance?
(*) Fedora currently uses FAS1 which is considered obsolete, so it
would be a waste of effort to implement it, and FAS2 is still being
worked on, and nowhere near a usable state. But since we're using FDS,
it should be easy-ish to migrate to FAS2 once it's released, then also
to use pkgdb.
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 7 (Moonshine) - Linux kernel
Load : 0.24 0.31 0.38
17 years, 3 months
Patent free SDL_sound for Fedora
by Hans de Goede
Hi All,
As discussed sometime ago SDL_sound really should be made patent free (mp3
support removed) and then moved to Fedora.
I'm the maintainer of asc (advanced strategic command) in Fedora, and the new version needs SDL_sound (without mp3 support will work fine) the only
other user according to repoquery is gltron, which also does not need mp3 support.
So today I've created a patent free version of SDL_sound, the review request
for which is here:
Co-maintainers and reviewers are as always welcome.
Once SDL_sound is in Fedora, gltron should be rebranded to gllightcycle and be
submitted to Fedora too.
17 years, 3 months
Server downtime
by Matthias Saou
A few hours ago, the server where the current RPM Fusion Xen guests are
running went down for an unknown reason. Remotely rebooting it didn't
help, so I'll be going on site some time during the day to check on it
and find a solution to get everything up and running again ASAP.
This server had been running for years with RHL 7.3, then ran fine
(under very little load) with RHEL4, but has been *very* unstable ever
since being running RHEL5 and Xen :-(
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 7 (Moonshine) - Linux kernel
Load : 0.42 0.50 0.43
17 years, 3 months