ABI breaks of CentOS Stream and minimizing damage
by =?UTF-8?B?UGV0ciBNZW7FocOtaw==?=
I were thinking about a discussion about CentOS Stream and complaint it
is unusable, because it is breaking ABI not only at release time. It was
about poppler soname change and some depending epel package. But
rpmfusion have similar problem.
If there is change of soname in CentOS, does exist any process to notify
epel or rpmfusion packages maintainers that something would break
depending package(s) in other repositories? Do you think it would be
worth using some kind of automation to create bugs automatically or at
least send mails, if upstream repository were preparing a new change
affecting some packages here?
Does already exist a way to minimize time, when packages conflict
because depending packages were not yet rebuilt? Something different
from maintainer of fedora/centos package doing those notifications
manually? Do you think it would be worth the time?
Petr Menšík, Fedora project contributor
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