Le 21/07/2009 22:56, Remi Collet a écrit :
1/ Fedora 11 - thunderbird 3.0b3 is out
thunderbird-3.0-2.5.b3.fc11 is build but not yet submit for update.
As there is a lot of change between b2 and b3:
enigmail-0.96a build with 3.0b2 doesnt work with 3.0b3
enigmail-0.97a build with 3.0b3 doesnt work with 3.0b2
So if thunderbird goes to updates-testing: please push
thunderbird-enigmail-0.97a-0.1.cvs20090721.fc11 to testing
thunderbird-3.0-2.6.b3.fc11 is now in fedora updates.
Can you please push thunderbird-enigmail-0.97a to updates.