On Mon, 2013-11-11 at 16:48 +0400, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
Hello All!
2013/11/11 Miro HronĨok <mhroncok(a)redhat.com>:
> Hi,
> I've joined RPMFusion recently and current infrastructurre bothers me.
> What blocks us from using Koji, Bodhi, git? Is it man power, hardware,
> money, licnese? How can I help with migrating to Koji and Bodhi and keep the
> infrastrucutre the same as Fedora has?
We're interested in updating RPMFusion infra as well. Its current
state simply keeps volunteers away from participating. We should come
up with a something more modern. I propose to reuse existing services
- for example GitHub for repositories.
Sounds like a good idea in general, except for I'd advise for avoiding
GitHub at all costs after years of experience with said service. It
sucks for collaboration greatly:
1.) It has really shitty ACLs
2.) No way to disable force pushes
3.) No way to disable half-hearted attempt at pull request (no way to
cherry-pick things, always makes a merge commit even when fast forward
is possible) processing is utterly confusing to potential contributors
4.) No support for Git protocol (!?)
Apart from that, more on a personal note, they do frequent changes to
their already largely bulky and confusing UI making it really hard to
keep up with it.
For me it's definitely not been a pleasure working with github.
Sorry if the message was too negative.
Have a nice day!