2012/5/16 Orcan Ogetbil <oget.fedora(a)gmail.com>:
qtractor is now in Fedora, of course without the libmad support.
Brendan Jones prepared a libmad-freeworld package with the libmad
support. This package is analogous to audacity-freeworld as it
conflicts with the Fedora counterpart since the libmad support is not
Do we have a standard procedure here at RPMFusion for X to X-freeworld
renames? Do we need to file a new review request?
In any case we need to remove the qtractor package from RPMFusion
repos on F-17 and later.
From the technical perspective, that rename can be done. (all branches).
But I would like to avoid using a Conflict here. I don't remember the
audacity case, but for a single binary, it would would be better to
use alternatives with a higher weight for the freeworld version.
Now I really wonder why is that much interesting to complicate the
work that much ?
Why bother and what to say when users of the mutilated fedora's
qtractor will complain when cannot import mp3 ?
The -freeworld was previously reserved for a complementary package of
an existing fedora version.
But in this case I wonder why not to simply override the no
replacement policy ? At least a good reason would need to be provided
for still obeying this policy.
Nicolas (kwizart)