This could possibly be renamed to, could we please update the nvidia driver on el8, but
I'm also interested in how the following problem could be solved.
I've got a new el8 machine with a gtx 1050ti. As part of a troubleshooting step, I
decided to mock build the latest nvidia driver, using the source rpms from rawhide:
mock -r epel-8-x86_64-rpmfusion_nonfree --chain \
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-455.45.01-1.fc34.src.rpm \
nvidia-kmod-455.45.01-1.fc34.src.rpm \
The xorg driver builds, but nvidia-kmod fails because the
buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-current package cannot find kernel-devel-uname-r.
In fedora, kernel-devel-uname-r, appears to be a subpackage of kernel, but this does not
appear to be the case on el8. It doesn't seem to exist.
Note that the existing rpmfusion el8 455.38 nvidia driver fails to build in the same way.
Error message follows...
Problem: conflicting requests
- nothing provides kernel-devel-uname-r = 4.18.0-193.el8.x86_64 needed by
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest'
to use not only best candidate packages)