Hi all!
I'm not really interest in mythtv (¹), but it seems some people would
like to see mythtv in rpmfusion -- I know from at least two people, but
I suspect there are more.
Thus a bit of coordinations might be nice -- otherwise we might run into
a situation where multiple people waste time and energy to prepare a
package for review in parallel.
One package I know of besides the one from Axel in atrpms is
Will Tatam according to
http://rpmfusion.org/WillTatam also seem to be
interested in maintaining mythtv for rpmfusion.
Are there more people that have mythtv on the todo-list? If yes: might
be a good idea if you guys coordinate your efforts...
(¹) -- and I care more to get rpmfusion running first before we work on
new packages, but other people have different priorities, so discussing
thus now might be wise