On Ter, 2016-09-06 at 12:43 +0200, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> <
Is United RPMs here to stay or was that a temporary workaround while
RPM Fusion infra was worked on ?
Sérgio, maybe ?
Yes for me is a temporary workaround and later, maybe, a 4th party
repo. I found DavidVa on internet, I like his work in postinstallerf (
https://sourceforge.net/projects/postinstaller/ ), and he have updates
for many packages not just in RPMFusion , also for Fedora proper. I'm
trying to convince him to report things on the source, instead do
duplicated packages , but he and Paul don't like follow the rules ,
they like bundle sources, do big hacks etc etc, which I can't or is
not allowed on RPMFusion. So now I'm just watching ...
To exemplify avidemux, I merge our repo (via github) to unitedrpms repo
and https://github.com/UnitedRPMs/avidemux/commit/61da31ff518ffbe183638
Unitedrpms don't have any infrastructure, use github,
sf.net, gitlab,
google+ and just have x86_64 packages !
Unitedrpms have others sources like openh264, vo-aacenc , fdk-aac, we
are going only discus libdvdcss ? or we may extend for other patents
problems .
Best regards,
Sérgio M. B.