On 25 March 2017 at 08:33, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
I've retired sonic-visualiser-freeworld in RPM Fusion as the
only rely on libmad which is now in fedora.
Also there is a new upstream for this package, so one needs to update
the package in fedora and properly obsoletes the -freeworld version.
The email notification for the change was not received so I expect
Michel Salim to be missing.
I also know kwave which needs to be migrated to fedora for the same
reason (maintainer warned).
We should probably move traverso to the Fedora proper as well. However
it's hard to spare time for it. More importantly I can't upgrade my
machine beyond F24 because of [1]. I don't feel comfortable putting
packages out there with zero testing on my side.
Please feel free to retire it and/or handle the situation.