KH KH wrote:
What I don't like much with Omega, hosted here is that:RPMFusion
defined as an additional repository for Fedora.This means RPMFusion is
not another distribution based on Fedora.
As a RPMFusion contributor. I still want to think I'm contributing to
Fedora via an additional repository, not a derived distro.
If you are not
interested in Omega, you can continue to contribute to just RPMFusion packaging. Omega
would just be a sub project that you are not involved in, which is just fine. A rpmfusion
spin was discussed in this list before and my efforts are directly in response to that.
Although, if the consensus now is that you don't want a live cd at all, I can host it
elsewhere. I would like to hear other's opinions on this.
Knowing that, the only official iso from RPMFusion would be (IMO) an
additional set of packages composed as a local repository aimed for
post installation.
(which remains untested/unworked until then).
That would be the solution I would see to get pushed.
These two different solutions cannot be done in parallel. There are
different use cases for both.
Why I see Omega as uneeded is that:
When using an official Fedora LiveCD iso, you can still transfert it
on a USB disk/key and activate persistence.
That way you can add some packages from rpmfusion suitable for codec etc.
But everything else fall under a customization process where there are
million of possibilities.
There are many reasons where a distributable live cd (especially
combined with regular updated revisions) could be more convenient. That
is validated by the amount of downloads and positive feedback I have
been getting overall. Not everybody has the bandwidth, expertise or
interest to do additional customizations. Even if they do, this can
still be a better starting point for them.
At this time Omega doesn't sort out why some packages are choosen
not others.
From the discussions in this list, the consensus was that only
packages from the free repository should be included. I posted a
kickstart file with the typical set of packages that a end user would
install and then proceeded to create a image based on that. If there is
a different set of packages that needs to be installed, that is very
open for discussions. I have been asking for feedback often.
In my mind, I see Omega as a demonstration purpose and not a
life distro. that's why I see the distribution of the resulting ISO as
an optional thing (but indeed, sometime needed, mostly for beginner).
So, maybe the iso can be made available via bittorrent eventually.
Without the resulting ISO being widely distributed and tested, we
wouldn't know whether it worked or not. As I started using the tools to
generate the Live CD, I have run into several issues which are being
resolved iteratively. The result is useful for other derivative
distributions that are going to consume bits from Fedora as well as
And I would like to see a page somewhere that describe the Omega
LiveCD (goals, and howto re-create).
Something like or else ...