Following the recent mass rebuilt that was delayed for several
here is a list of package that fail to build from sources.
Please note that we are currently expecting to branch at the same time
as fedora, but because time issue, that's not yet done.
Please wait for branching announcement before fixing theses, or
consider devel as F-18 and plan a later rebuild once F-17 is actually
I don't know if this is an issue of the above explanation, but it would
seem that none of the kmods packages have been build correctly. We can
find them in the devel repository, but RPMS files are all empty. Build
logs look fine and seem to succeed. I'm not an expert, but I suspect
that the kernel_version macro is not set correctly in the build process,
because none of the SPEC file line contained in these loops:
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
are present in the build log file. May be this is normal at this step of
the process towards F-17, and my knowledge of this point is too limited.
In that case, please forgive me for the noise.
What shall we do to help resolving this issue, if needed?
Nicolas Viéville