On 06/13/2012 12:07 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
Alec Leamas wrote:
> So, I have built my package bombono-dvd. It has been in updates now for
> some time (>1 month) and I have tested it. Obviously, I want it to
> become part of rpmfusion main repo. I dutyfully read the process
> description on
http://rpmfusion.org/Contributors, but this last piece
> seems to be missing there.
> So: after building, testing and giving my package some time in updates:
> how do I proceed to get it into the main repo?
RPM Fusion works the same way as Fedora, the main repo doesn't change
anymore after release, new packages go first to updates-testing, then to
updates, where they stay. (The updates repo is enabled by default, updates-
testing is not.) The package will be in the main repo for Fedora 18.
Kevin Kofler
Thanks for clarifying!
Just for the record: I read this as that in rpmfusion there are no more
steps required from the contributor when the package hits
updates-testing, as long as it works as intended. It will just be moved
to updates after "some time".
It might possibly be helpful if something on this was added to the
process description, which as of now ends with requesting a build -
there's nothing about what happens to what's built. It was somewhere her
I got lost, I think.