On Sun, 2009-11-29 at 22:52 +0100, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
> Isn't adding rdblacklist=nouveau to grub.conf less
not, the nouveau kms remains loaded and leave things in the unsafe random side.
That might work for your hardware/usage , it will not work for others...
So that's even do not worth to be documented.
Are you sure? The combination of rdblacklist kernel parameter and
blacklist directive in /etc/modprobe.d should prevent the module being
loaded at all even if it's present in the initramfs. Have you tried
rdblacklist? It's a dracut parameter which should prevent the module
specified from being loaded from the initramfs.
BTW, I believe the canonical way to derive the current release version
is to parse /etc/redhat-release , which is part of the fedora-release