2011/6/10 Neal Becker <ndbecker2(a)gmail.com>:
I have rebuilt rpmfusion packages using nvidia 275.09.04 (beta) and
confirm (as
many others have) that it fixes the problems with older versions on F15,
including konsole locking up the server, and corruption.
Resize in KDE as indeed written as fixed in the driver changelog, that
been said this driver is still advertissed as beta. (The fix could
have been made in the stable driver branch).
So what I plan to do instead is to import the driver in rawhide and
request users affected by this bug to use akmod-nvidia from rawhide.
The other plan is to maintain another branch of the driver as
nvidia-latest or nvidia-beta (which branch already exists). to provide
another parallele driver.
The problem with the current beta driver is that it has also other issues:
Are you affected by this ?
Nicolas (kwizart)