On Sáb, 2016-09-24 at 22:30 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
> letsencrypt doesn't provide wildcard, and that will be a different
> server (so a different cert).
It doesn't allow wildcards, but it allows you to give up to 100 SANs
(subject alternative names) for a certificate (the canonical one and
more). So you can use the same cert for all *.rpmfusion.org
(unless there are more than 100), but of course you don't have to.
Hello ,
To follow up which SANs do we need , I propose one bug tracker.
A few days ago expired the certificate of http://lists.rpmfusion.org w
hich was from CAcert ...
Sérgio M. B.