On Feb 4, 2011, at 4:40 AM, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
As some of you have experienced, the buildroot for building packages
for F-13 and Rawhide (F14 seems to work). is failing.
I've managed to get in touch with Xavier from the infra who told me
the builder didn't get in sync with the infra repository. But the
modification he made didn't solved anything.
So I've reported a bug here:
Once it will solved (if?) you may be able to requeue the failing job with:
/usr/bin/plague-client requeue 'jobid'
I just purged all the yum and mock caches on the builder, as well as adding
what I think was the missing piece for el5 builds to actually work. No clue
if anything I just did *actually* helped though, and its past my bedtime,
so I won't look at it again until probably sometime Saturday afternoon at
the earliest.
Jarod Wilson