2016-09-23 11:40 GMT+02:00 Nikos Roussos <comzeradd(a)fedoraproject.org>:
> Warren ( i guess some of you knows him ) pointed to me that the
repo rpm
> file was downloaded from a http server, not a https one, and well he has
> a point. So i'm gonna make a cert on
https://letsencrypt.org/ and setup
> the https vhost for
It would probably a good idea to include
rpmfusion.org on this cert and
server the whole website over https.
letsencrypt doesn't provide wildcard, and that will be a different
server (so a different cert).
But basically yes, the plan is to migrate to letsencrypt everywhere.
so remaining services are fas and the wiki (
rpmfusion.org) and will be
done once thoses services will be migrated to the new infra.
(admin pkgs and bugzilla are already migrated).
Nicolas (kwizart)