On the wishlist and/or dead reviews we have some re-distributable
packages such as skype, spotify and msttcore-fonts. After scratching my
head over these I've hacked some silly scripts , called them lpf (Local
package Factory) and made a package of it. It's on it's way into fedora,
currently in rawhide, f20 and f19 updates-testing.
Using this package it should be simpler to package a thing like spotify.
The downloader lpf-spotfy-client is also on it's way into fedora,
lpf-skype needs a review. The overall idea here is to have a common
framework for these packages simplifying for both users and packagers.
Since they by definition don't contain any upstream stuff they go into
fedora rather than rpmfusion, although they are on the rpmfusion wishlist.
I don't know if this is a good idea. Time will tell,