Finally though in make rfpkg just fedpkg with new configuration , so
rfpkg could be an alias like this:
alias rfpkg='fedpkg --config /etc/rpkg/rfpkg.conf'
so we got two new files
/etc/rpkg/rfpkg.conf and
/etc/koji.rf.conf (configuration of koji) in attach .
Now, we need the equivalent of fedora-cert [1] and we already
have rpmfusion-packager ( the equivalent of fedora-packager ) which
have the old command /usr/bin/rpmfusion-packager-setup. This rpmfusion-
packager-setup give me clues about where is rpmfusion-upload-ca.cert
and rpmfusion-server-ca.cert, this are the correct certificates ?
Downloading certificates manually, I end up with
pyrpkg.errors.UploadError: (60, "Peer's Certificate issuer is not
recognized.") because
https://fas.rpmfusion.org/accounts/rpmfusion-upload-ca.cert is not a
secure cert ...
Tomorrow I hope to continue devel this tools tomorrow.
rpm -ql fedora-cert
Best regards,
Sérgio M. B.