On 02.03.2009 17:26, Julian Sikorski wrote:
Kevin Kofler pisze:
> Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
>> rhel 5.3, IIRC which doesn't have the matching equivalent in centos yet.
>> Isn't it ?
> RHEL 5.3 only provides the latest yum which is needed to process the SHA256
> metadata. That one is also in centos-testing for CentOS 5.2. That plus
> python-hashlib which Seth Vidal built:
http://skvidal.fedorapeople.org/hashlib/ is needed for the metadata, it
> doesn't help with the RPM packages themselves using SHA256 checksums
> though. You need RPM 4.6 for that:
I asked in #fedora-admin and they said that
was used, and that python-hashlib from epel-testing is needed as well. I
was also told that the above rpm replaces the host's rpm, and that there
is no downgrade possible.
The new RPM never was the a real problem -- the necessary steps were
well known (I should have made that more clear in my mail, as that could
have avoided lot of others mails in this thread; sorry). Xavier is
working on it and he has access to the two x86 builders now)
The PPC build is the problem and will likely stay a problem for a few
days (¹), as I couldn't reach dwmw2 yet.
(¹) partly because I am busy over the next few days; if anyone want's to
poke him feel free to do so