Hi Nicolas,
I updated and tested mplayer with couple of mpeg vids on F-15.
Playing and seeking was ok for me.
No change.
Should I test something specific?
< yum update --enablerepo=rpmfusion-free-update-testing
BTW there is typo - should be
yum update --enablerepo=rpmfusion-free-updates-testing
Best regards
Michal Ambroz
< ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
< Od: Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com>
< Předmět: Testers requested for the multimedia stack update on F-15
< Datum: 06.7.2011 14:22:12
< ----------------------------------------
< Hello,
< I would like the multimedia stack update to be tested accurately
< tested for F-15.
< The key feature is the ffmpeg update to a pre-0.7 snapshot before the
< x264 bump requirement of 115 ABI (instead of 114 that we have in
< F-14).
< Then we may either revert the patch in ffmpeg that bump this x264
< requirement or update x264 in F-15 (with an ABI bump). So we will be
< able to track newer ffmpeg releases from the 0.7.x branch.
< That will be done in a second step.
< In other words, you can do:
< yum update --enablerepo=rpmfusion-free-update-testing
< And test your usual multimedia apps.
< Please have a look at
https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org before reporting bugs:
< Thx
< Nicolas (kwizart)