W dniu 06.07.2016 o 23:44, Nicolas Chauvet pisze:
There are still some issues with buildroot, some of theses are
- ffmpeg is broken in rawhide. probably because of some header changes
with opencv. There is a need for someone to look into for a real fix.
The failure is due to the fact that opencv in rawhide got updated to
version 3. I have now fixed it by backporting a patch from upstream git.
In the longer term will need to rebase to 3.1 though.
- Missing buildroot dependencies. This is a known issue with koji
using external repos (for fedoras package), I can only say that this
is a known issue and here is the suggested fix:
The workaround still need to be implemented, but it won't work as fine
as on the pre-infra where I was the only one to submit build job (and
kick a new createrepo task if there are any failure).
- Errror with groupadd, should be workarounded, (origial bugzilla is
- rfpkg needs to be removed from the default buildroot and use
rfpkg-minimal instead.
This is a simple task that anyone can take. (convert and create
rfpkg-minimal rpm package based on fedpkg-minimal)
Don't forget that you need rfpkg-1.23.4 from
koji.rpmfusion.org to
submit build correctly. I will push them before this week-end
(hopefully with ffmpeg fixed for rawhide).