I'm the packager of pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-freeworld.
It provides AAC, LDAC and aptX for Bluetooth users. I think quite many
Fedora users depend on it.
There's a lot going on in Fedora regarding pipewire, and a question for
me is BT support. The upstream devs of pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-
freeworld are also contributing to pipewire, fortunately.
See this:
It's literally improving day by day.
What seems to be the case is that pipewire can already be built with
aptX and ldac support:
Distros who don't care about licenses so much like Arch already build
it with these as dependencies:
In Fedora this may not be as simple. :)
LDAC is not an issue, that's packaged in Fedora.
Pali's libopenaptx is not packaged yet:
It's LGPL2.1, but apparently contains "derived from ffmpeg 4.0 project"
stuff. Is there a chance that this can make its way into Fedora, given
that ffmpeg is in rpmfusion due to patent encumberance?
If you are sure it can't then I can save myself from waiting for legal
reviews etc. :)
The other question is then, how to enable aptX in pipewire in case
libopenaptx can only be packaged in rpmfusion?
Only by shipping some pipewire-free which is essentially pipewire with
added rpmfusion dependencies? Or should we start encouraging upstream
to create some modular system for this, so that these codecs/BT support
are in more easily replacable libraries? (Like pulseaudio-module-
bluetooth is)
I appreciate your help on this!
Best regards,