On Sat, 2011-12-24 at 13:00 +0000, Sérgio Basto wrote:
So plan is:
rawhide -> VB 4.1.8 (not yet pushed)
F-16 stable -> VB 4.1.6 (pushed)
F-16 testing -> VB 4.1.8 (not yet build)
F-15 stable -> VB 4.1.6 (4.1.2 was pushed , VB 4.1.6 build but
kmod-4.1.6 fails to build with Error: No Package found for
VirtualBox-OSE-kmodsrc = 4.1.6 ?!)
F-15 testing -> nothing for now.
Update status:
rawhide -> VB 4.1.8 (new build not yet pushed)
F-16 stable -> VB 4.1.6 (all pushed)
F-16 testing -> VB 4.1.8 (new build, finished minutes ago, not yet
F-15 stable -> VB 4.1.2 (was pushed, but miss VB-4.1.2-kmod), lets move
forward to VB 4.1.6 (VB 4.1.6 build but VB-kmod-4.1.6 fails to build
with Error: No Package found for VirtualBox-OSE-kmodsrc = 4.1.6 ?!) .
F-15 testing -> nothing for now.
Sérgio M. B.