On 1/23/12 4:54 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
> (4) added the lines:
> %package common
So the issue here is that "-common" is supposed to be provided by the
userland package. The -kmod package doesn't build or provide this at
all. See openafs.spec for an example:
55 Provides: %{name}-kmod-common = %{version}
Maybe openafs isn't the best example here, since that builds a few
different userland subpackages. open-vm-tools.spec is another example:
36 Provides: open-vm-tools-kmod-common = %{version}
Basically the main userland package should "Provide" the -common package.
In my situation, my -kmod-common package provides 2 files:
neither has changed in months (like 36 months)... so it rarely changes and hence
doesn't need updating, and they both come out of the same tarball as the .ko sources
In the case of a trivial (and invariant!) -kmod-common file, should we be allowed to keep
everything in a single .spec?