The package I submitted to RPMFusion for review is gnome-shell-extension
weather (bug report:
*Mattia M.*
2011/11/7 Mattia Meneguzzo <mattia.meneguzzo(a)gmail.com>
Wanting to contribute to Fedora as a packager, I submitted a package for
the Gnome Shell extension gnome-shell-extension-weather (
https://github.com/simon04/gnome-shell-extension-weather ) to Fedora (hereis the review
request on the RedHat Bugzilla:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=751537 ), but it was rejected
due to legal reasons.
I think this extension deserves to be made available to every Fedora user,
so I'd like it to be included in RPMFusion. Here is the review request on
the RPMFusion Bugzilla:
Please have a look at it and tell me if it's OK.
Note also that this is my first package for RPMFusion and *I am seeking
Best regards.
*Mattia Meneguzzo*