Hi all!
More and more people talk to me and ask "when will RPM Fusion for
EL/EPEL 5 start". As a big junk of the livna import is now done I might
over the next few weeks slowly start to do the same work for EPEL. But I
need to know which of the package owners actually is willing to maintain
their packages in RPM Fusion's EL-branch.
So if you want to maintain all or some of you packages for EL drop me a
line please. Then I'll create branches for them sooner or later and help
with the initial build round just like I do for Fedora now.
You are a Fedora/EPEL packager and interested in RPM Fusion for EL/EPEL
as well but don't own packages in RPM Fusion (or dribble / frehsrpms /
livna) yet? Then drop me a line -- some of the current RPM Fusion
packagers won't be intersted in EPEL, so we need to find owners for
their packages in RPM Fusions EL-branch. There are likely some deps for
RPM Fusions packages that are still missing in EPEL -- so the more hands
that can help with that the better.