Hi there,
Two news: one good, one bad.
Good news is that we now have a dedicated el9-next-free target
(nonfree isn't yet wired).
There is a dedicated dist tag (.el9.next) same as in fedora but we
don't have dedicated branches yet. so we need to accommodate and build
from the el9 one with rfpkg build --target el9-next-free (might
require special acls anyway, so don't hurry).
Also not yet wired is the process to publish packages and create the
next repos for centos-stream (with only additional packages built
against the current centos stream 9).
Bad news is that while switching the el9-base free/nonfree repos to
use Rocky9 as a base, we discovered an peculiar issue affecting our
infra that is being fixed on their side. So until the fixes are live,
the el9 build targets are broken.
Hopefully it will be restored in a few days.
Another side effect is that some of our el9 packages were built
against centos stream 9 while targeting any el9 distros. So there is a
need to verify that they work and eventually resubmit some of these...
Hope this helps.
Nicolas (kwizart)