On Tuesday, 04 November 2008 at 21:04, Hans de Goede wrote:
Ralf Corsepius wrote:
>I don't know what has changed (and whose fault it might be), but today's
>rpmfusion/rawhide update broke totem video play back badly for me
>on an F10/rawhide + rpmfusion-free + rpmfusion-nonfree system.
>E.g. I am observing
>* selinux alerts related toten-video-thumbnailer and totem itself having
>selinux problems with libavformat
>* playback of many (all?) *.flv's and *.mp4's has stopped working (So
>far, I haven't found any file for which it works).
>All I can say: rpmfusion things used to work when I tried last weekend,
>and now don't do so anymore.
This is most likely caused by the new ffmpeg which has cpu specific
optimalizations turned on for the first time, try manualy removing the
version under /usr/lib[64]/sse2, that should make you fallback to the old
no cpu specific optimalizations version.
There are no separate SSE2-optimized binaries in x86_64 build. All x86_64
CPUs have SSE2.
Also try turning of selinux (setenforce 0) to see if that fixes
note I'm not advocating this as a fix, merely suggesting doing this as a
way to debug this.
It's a known issue on x86_32:
I've filed a bug upstream, awaiting fix.
x86_64 shouldn't have any SELinux alerts, but I don't have a suitable
system to test.
http://rpmfusion.org | MPlayer
"Faith manages."
-- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"