On 08/23/2012 04:33 PM, Damian Ivanov wrote:
@ Christopher
Sorry but I don't see which wiki you mean, can you link it?
Well it's a server, I am quite sure that Fedora will not fairly soon
dump koji/mock/bodhi but rpmfusion could start,
I don't see a reason to no get it into Fedora repos, maybe if Fedora
don't accept it, OBS should go into rpmfusion :)
The only legitimate reasons Fedora could reject OBS package submissions
would be legal reasons or technical reasons.
In case of legal reasons, rpmfusion could adopt it.
In case of technical reasons, rpmfusion will hardly be able to take
over, because the repo hosting a package doesn't change much about the
technical issues a package might excluded from Fedora.
@ Ken
Yeah I will have look than to get OBS tools into main fedora repos,
but if they don't accept it because it's a tool
from SuSE it may should land into rpmfusion ;)
Fedora is supposed to accept packages independently of their origins, as
long as they comply to the Fedora package inclusion criteria (Permissive
licensing, sufficiently stable SW etc.).