On Qui, 2012-06-28 at 08:44 +0200, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
Please remind to see what's in the related upstream branches
attempting to fix build.
after 2 that need update avcodec:
- minidlna, I wrote a note in
sf.net, tracker, bugs
- xbmc
more 2:
- kmediafactory
- dvdstyler, I saw that dvdstyler 2.3b3 have about 4 days ,
and in changelog "added support of libav 0.9 / ffmpeg 0.11"
dvdstyler package seems unmaintained since stable version is 2.2 and
spec is for 2.0-rc1.
So send in attach dvdstyler.spec.patch for DVDStyler-2.3b3.tar.bz2
Best regards,
Sérgio M. B.