2017-06-27 17:15 GMT+02:00 Sérgio Basto <sergio(a)serjux.com>:
for me the main problem is that EPEL 7 delete/update kernel-devel on
updates , so after update kernel we lose the ability to build kmods for
current / previous kernels
That's why I'm fetching the right kernel-devel
EVR from centos into
the buildroot override.
I rely on centos here, so when rhel 7.4 will be out, I will update the
kernel-devel once the centos varriant rise up, not before.
(it could be done fast if using the CentOS-CR).
> - There are probably the usual RFE for kmodtool/akmods.
> - Secure Boot can probably be worked on based on this.
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1454824 is ASSIGNED to you
Yes known,
but the feature is incomplete.IIRC
If you want to report usability and comment for review , feel free.
I use kmods of virtualbox as vm guest with centos 7 , is works
Do you mean that you are using pre-built kmod that you have made over
akmods ?
I think pre-built kmod should work better indeed. And both kmod/akmods
work anyway ;)
Nicolas (kwizart)