Kevin Kofler wrote:
I noticed that the updated common/branches still thinks Rawhide is
16. Please fix that! (Also check the builder configs, the Rawhide configs
should actually point to Rawhide now.)
Ping? common/branches is still broken. I "fixed" it by
locally editing the
last line in common/branches to:
but I can't commit it because of those !"ยง$%&/()=? ACLs. Since nobody with
write access can manage to commit a 2-character fix in a timely manner, I
can only suggest to do away with those ACLs and just let everyone commit to
everything. It worked fine in the old Fedora Extras (even owners.list was
world-writable), and RPM Fusion is even smaller than Extras was.
Yep, I noticed this too and opened up a bug:
as well as posting earlier here:
but no response as yet. However, kwizart on #rpmfusion said this:
"nope, only two weeks after fedora is released we expect to reopen
rawhide in rpmfusion (still at the frozen rawhide process)"
which doesn't make sense to me since f17 has already been rawhide
for several weeks in upstream Fedora.