On 14.09.2008 20:01, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> On 14.09.2008 19:34, Hans de Goede wrote:
>> Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>>> = most important things =
>>> - get the mini-mirrormanager from
>>> installed and running somewhere. Xavier afaik is ready with that for a
>>> few days now; but he needs thias to get the machine in DNS, as only he
>>> has control over DNS and thus is the only one that can add
mirror.rpmfusion.org; once that is done get the rpmfusion-release
>>> package into the repos
>> If we cannot get a hold of Matthias, we could just start with a mirrorlist like
>> livna is using right?
> Yeah, we could, but I'd much prefer to use the mini-mirrormanager --
> then we don't have to touch the config files again, which is important
> for those people that don't do .rpmnew-files cleanups on their systems
Just FYI, after talking to Hans again I created old-style mirrorlist
files as interim solution (only for the real repos; I ignored the debug
and srpms repos for now) -- that way we should be able to move forward
with the release-package for rpmfusion.
You can find the files at:
I used a simple script (attached) to create those files. Please check if
everything looks sane.
#! /bin/bash
for mirror in ${mirrors}; do
echo "${mirror%%/}/${1%%/}/"
for repo in free nonfree; do
create_list "${repo}/fedora/development/\$basearch/os" >
create_list "${repo}/fedora/releases/\$releasever/Everything/\$basearch/os"
> .mirrorlist-${repo}-fedora-releases
create_list "${repo}/fedora/updates/\$releasever/\$basearch" >
create_list "${repo}/fedora/updates/testing/\$releasever/\$basearch" >