I've been asked (#1429) to upgrade open-vm-tools in F-13. Now, this is
causing me some headaches because the latest versions of open-vm-tools
need the 2.6.34 kernels (because some of the modules provided by
open-vm-tools-kmod were upstreamed in 2.6.34, so the open-vm-tools
package no longer ships them, even though they're still needed for 2.6.33).
The problem with F-13 is that is spans both the 2.6.33 and 2.6.34
kernels. In other words, if I push a more recent update of
open-vm-tools, it will have to include something like
Require: kernel >= 2.6.34
forcing the user to upgrade the kernel in order to install
open-vm-tools. So the questions:
- is this something that is desirable ? Are there still people that
blacklist kernel upgrades ? (that was common with proprietary drivers
users, but hopefully less frequent now)
- can kmods handle a dependency like this, so that 'yum install
open-vm-tools' will correctly bring in the kernel updates ?
I think the open-vm-tools update is for the Greater Good (tm), but I'm
not a huge fan of forcing kernel upgrades on people...