On Seg, 2017-02-20 at 11:21 +0100, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
FYI, there are several tools available to check ABI compatibility for
a library.
Unfortunately, the process to verify this compatibility seems to be
unclear to some package maintainers. Please verify that the ABI is
compatible before to issue an update on stable branches as per the
Fedora Update policy
Here is a analysis done using libabigail (dnf install libabigail):
fedabipkgdiff --server
http://koji.rpmfusion.org/kojihub --topdir
http://koji.rpmfusion.org/kojifiles NVR NVR
hey about x264 , https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4457
RFE: update x264 to 0.148-15.20170121git97eaef2 in stable branches
Sérgio M. B.