Omega is a Linux based operating system and a Fedora remix suitable for
desktop and laptop users. It is a installable Live CD for regular PC
(i686 architecture) systems. It has all the features of Fedora 10 and a
number of additional multimedia players and codecs. You can play any
multimedia (including MP3) or commercial DVD's out of the box.
For what's new in Fedora 10, refer to
# sha1sum omega-10-desktop-preview.iso
27f9b26d26f18ddb14306b344007de427a036baf omega-10-desktop-preview.iso
Kickstart file is at
Unless any major issues are found, this will be the general release of
Omega 10 as well. So please test and provide feedback.
Is this a official Fedora release?
This is a community remix of Fedora and not endorsed or affiliated with
the Fedora Project or Red Hat.
Is this a fork?
It is a fully compatible remix of Fedora with some add-on multimedia
software from RPMFusion and Livna (DVD playback) software repositories.
What's the benefit?
Many Fedora users, install Fedora and get these common software from
other sources. This Live CD provides a convenient starting point for
such users, is completely compatible with Fedora and can be
redistributed easily. If you have already installed Fedora and
configured these repositories, just continue using it.
Does Omega include proprietary software?
Fedora excludes both proprietary software and Free and open source
software with other potential patent encumbrances. Omega has only free
and open source software packages by default, some of which are excluded
from Fedora due to such potential encumbrances . If you are a in a
region that enforces restrictive software patents, you might want to use
Fedora instead.
Where do updates come from?
All updates from Fedora, RPMFusion and Livna repositories. The current
plan is to provide updated composes of the Live CD in frequent intervals
so users install the releases, don't have to download all the updates
What about the release schedule?
Omega will follow the Fedora development and release schedules closely.
Do you plan on do other variants?
Not on my own but if you want to do so, I would be able to help. Feel
free to use the kickstart file as the basis for such variants.
How do I contribute?
Join the Fedora Project or RPMfusion effort. You can also provide
feedback on what could be improved in the Live CD as well.
Where do I report issues?
You can file bug reports on Fedora software packages at
http://bugzilla.redhat.com and for RPMFusion at
More questions?
Just ask.