I have not opened a formal "RFE" bug in
bugzilla on this (it is not clear it is appropriate
there), but do the RPMFusion maintainers
of the recent nvidia drivers have a plan
to eliminate the requirement for the xorg
server? As of Fedora 40 it is (in theory)
possible to remove the xorg server itself,
but the current nvidia driver/akmods
(apparently) still has a hard requirement
on the xorg server itself. I would like to be
able to remove the xorg server (and
associated libraries), and install just the
nvidia kernel driver (and use the various
drm / wayland functionality).
I realize this is likely a large request,
but I would like to at least know if
the maintainers have a (long term)
consideration of moving in that direction.
While I have not actually validated it
works, one of the alternative nvidia
driver repos at least suggests they
can install the driver without pulling
in the xorg server.
Thanks for any insight you can provide.